Continuing the Legacy: Legal Career Panel with 91º£½ÇÂÒÂ× Alumnae

Virtual Program

Join the conversation of a diverse group of distinguished legal studies graduates who will discuss gender equity in the workplace, work/life balance, and the importance of mentorship, and offer advice to students interested in careers in the law or in social justice.

This event is presented by the legal studies program and will immediately follow the noon presentation of "Honoring the Life and Impact of Ruth Bader Ginsburg," a conversation featuring Roger Williams University and School of Law alumna Elizabeth Ortiz ’07 L’10, who was recently appointed as the state of Rhode Island’s first Latina Family Court judge.

Panelists include:

  • Alyse Antone S​mith, Esq. ’14, Legal Studies and Political Science
    Special Assistant Attorney General (Criminal Division), Rhode Island Attorney General's Office; Newport, Rhode Island
  • Alyssa M. Kelly, Esq. ’15 Legal Studies and Psychology
    Associate Attorney at Atwood & Cherny, P.C. (Family Law); Boston, Massachusetts
  • Nikki Marie Oliveira, Esq.’07, Legal Studies and Math
    Senior Associate, Nutter (Estate Planning, Tax and Elder Law); Boston, Massachusetts
  • Jasmine Lopez Calderon ’07, Legal Studies and Spanish
    Senior Account Manager  (Community Organizing, Fundraising, Marketing), Archipelago Strategies Group (ASG); Boston, Massachusetts
  • Ellen Messali, Esq. â€™07, Legal Studies and Political Science
    Staff Attorney, New Haven Legal Assistance Association (Immigration Law); New Haven, Connecticut